Titles are done with a #. Each # is a level of heading, with 1 # giving the largest heading and 6 giving the smallest (Obsidian only goes to 5)
Bold text can be created by surrounding text in 2 *‘s
Italic text can be created by surrounding text in *‘s
strikethrough text can be created by surrounding text in 2 ~‘s
Lists can be made using * or - at the beginning of a line (Obsidian and other Markdown editors autoclose *‘s because it assumes you’re using them for bolding/italics, so - works out better usually.). You can indent to create sublists
- Thing 1
- Thing 2
- Sublist 1
- Item 1
- Item 2
You can also put numbers followed by a . for your list. If you put the same one over and over, they will be automatically updated. (But Obsidian autonumbers for you, so you don’t have to.)
- Thing
- Thing
- Stuff
Starting a line with > makes it a quote.
“Software is like sex, it’s better when it’s free”
Linus Torvalds
You can insert links into Markdown by putting the link title in [‘s and then the url in (
”Extra” Markdown
There are many implementations of Markdown, and some offer extra features the base spec doesn’t
Task Lists
- [ ]
The above syntax is recognizes by some applications (Including Obsidian, but note the extra space at the end) as a checkable “todo” box.
------- | ------
Header | Header2 |
Item1 | Item2 |
Internal Links
Obsidian (and maybe other apps too IDK) uses a double bracket syntax for an internal link, with the option of adding a pipe to set a display name for the link.
Code can be surrounded in backticks for inline code, or a set of 3 to create a multiline block, optionally with a language specified for syntax highlighting.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
printf("Hello World!\n");