
Titles are done with a #. Each # is a level of heading, with 1 # giving the largest heading and 6 giving the smallest (Obsidian only goes to 5)


Bold text can be created by surrounding text in 2 *‘s


Italic text can be created by surrounding text in *‘s


strikethrough text can be created by surrounding text in 2 ~‘s


Lists can be made using * or - at the beginning of a line (Obsidian and other Markdown editors autoclose *‘s because it assumes you’re using them for bolding/italics, so - works out better usually.). You can indent to create sublists

  • Thing 1
  • Thing 2
  • Sublist 1
    • Item 1
    • Item 2

You can also put numbers followed by a . for your list. If you put the same one over and over, they will be automatically updated. (But Obsidian autonumbers for you, so you don’t have to.)

  1. Thing
  2. Thing
  3. Stuff


Starting a line with > makes it a quote.

“Software is like sex, it’s better when it’s free”

Linus Torvalds

You can insert links into Markdown by putting the link title in [‘s and then the url in (

Totally not a Rickroll

”Extra” Markdown

There are many implementations of Markdown, and some offer extra features the base spec doesn’t

Task Lists

- [ ]

The above syntax is recognizes by some applications (Including Obsidian, but note the extra space at the end) as a checkable “todo” box.


------- | ------

Obsidian (and maybe other apps too IDK) uses a double bracket syntax for an internal link, with the option of adding a pipe to set a display name for the link.

Like This


Code can be surrounded in backticks for inline code, or a set of 3 to create a multiline block, optionally with a language specified for syntax highlighting.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
	printf("Hello World!\n");